Category Archives: Uncategorized

Unfair Contract Terms

Written on July 1, 2023 at 2:25 am, by

“Click here” and you may have just entered into a standard form contract to which the unfair contract terms (UCT) law in the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) apply. The UTC provisions apply to business contracts where:- at least one party to the contract is a ‘small business’ the contract is a ‘standard form contract’ A  Continue Reading »

Early Termination Charges

Written on January 11, 2023 at 3:56 am, by

Early Termination Charge An early termination charge (ETC) is a charge imposed by supplier on a customer that cancels their contract before the end of the specified term. The ETC should be representative of the losses that the supplier will suffer because of early termination.  If it is not, the ETC may be unenforceable. An  Continue Reading »

Business Succession – Company Power of Attorney

Written on September 2, 2022 at 5:56 am, by

A company’s succession plan should include a company power of attorney (CPOA). As a director cannot appoint an attorney to act as a director in their place, if a director is absent or unable to act for some reason the company may be paralyzed. To avoid such a vacuum, a CPOA will be required. Sole  Continue Reading »

Notary Public Adelaide

Written on September 17, 2021 at 2:35 am, by

There are many reasons why a person might need a notary.  Common reasons include if :- you need to sign an overseas power of attorney you need to swear an affidavit for overseas court proceedings you are transferring property located overseas your identity needs to be confirmed documents need to be certified as true copies  Continue Reading »

Need an apostille?

Written on April 28, 2021 at 4:47 am, by

Using your document overseas Apostille – pronounced  a-pos-teel. Before a public document can be used in another country, its origin may need to be authenticated with an apostille. In Australia, apostilles are issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and are recognized by each of the 86 countries that are signatories to  Continue Reading »

Wills for Sole Directors

Written on July 31, 2019 at 6:05 am, by

When the sole director of a company dies, then the person nominated in their will to obtain probate (the executor) willstep in or appoint someone else as the director of the company. (Section 701F Corporations Act 2001).  The company can then continue to run.  Documents can be signed. Bank accounts accessed. The beneficiaries cannot take  Continue Reading »

Need a Notary?

Written on October 2, 2020 at 5:59 am, by

Need to sign a document in front of a notary? It’s not as simple as turning up at the notary’s office and signing something. To make your notary appointment a success, follow these simple steps. Where the notary public is required to witness your signature make sure that you:- Bring the entire original document to be  Continue Reading »

Company differences

Written on January 9, 2020 at 2:34 am, by

What is the difference between ….. Sometimes when looking at a company and its structure you need to know “What is the difference between….”.  Here are the answers to some FAQ’s. A Member and a Shareholder If a company has share capital, there is no difference between a member of a company and a shareholder.  Continue Reading »

Removing Company Directors

Written on July 4, 2019 at 2:38 am, by

Removing  directors is not a particularly difficult task if all the members of the company want the director to go.  And, if you were to prepare a step by step guide on how to remove a director, it would look something like this:- Get a copy of the current Constitution; Get a copy of the current  Continue Reading »

Review of Website Terms & Conditions

Written on February 8, 2018 at 12:19 am, by

Looked at your website terms and conditions recently? If you:- accept orders for goods or services have an e-commerce facility have a client login or allow third party advertising your Website terms and conditions of use and/or terms and conditions of sale are absolutely essential; and they need to comply with laws regarding unfair contract  Continue Reading »